Common Medical Abbreviations for Your Medical ID Jewelry

When you create a medical ID, it's crucial to use the right medical abbreviations to ensure that your health information is clear and accessible in an emergency. Here are some of the most common abbreviations used for medical conditions, treatments, and allergies, designed to fit comfortably on your personalized jewelry:

  • DM – Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 or Type 2)
  • HTN – Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • ALL – Allergies
  • ASTH – Asthma
  • CPR – Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (for emergency responders)
  • DNR – Do Not Resuscitate (important for end-of-life care)
  • O2 – Oxygen (required for breathing assistance)
  • SEIZ – Seizures (useful for epilepsy patients)
  • CHF – Congestive Heart Failure
  • NKDA – No Known Drug Allergies
  • Meds – Medications (can be listed for certain conditions)

By including these abbreviations on your medical alert ID jewelry, you make it easier for first responders and medical personnel to understand your needs quickly, should you ever need help.

If you're unsure about which abbreviations are best for your medical condition, consult with your healthcare provider to ensure the most accurate and helpful information is included.

For more information on customizing your medical ID jewelry, visit MiaMia's Medical ID collection.